Monday, October 15, 2012

Thursday, October 11, 2012

One Month Birthday

Blake turned one month old on Wednesday! 
Mommy set up her own little photo shoot in his bedroom to get a couple good photos!
Happy One Month Birthday Blake!

Family & Friends!

 We have had many visitors over the past month that have come by to see Blake. 
We are so blessed to have such a close family, and many friends that love this little guy! 
Hopefully everyone else will get to meet him soon!

Just Blake!

Here are a few photos from the little guys first month!

Go Niners!

 Let's Go Oakland!

Baby Blake's Arrival

September 12, 2012
  7lbs 14oz            21.25 inches


We are so excited that our little man finally decided to arrive, it took him an extra week but it was so worth the wait.. Welcome to the family Baby Blake!