Sunday, December 30, 2012

Snow Day!!

Every year for New Years we go up to the Merz Cabin! 
I found Blake a little snow suit at Old Navy..and he looked so darn cute!


Blake's First Christmas!

Christmas is so different once you have a little one.. Its so exciting to see what 
everyone got him and helping him open the gifts (even though he fell asleep :)..) 
Can't wait till next year when he is tearing through the presents!


Its Almost Christmas!!

We always help Grandma Joanne decorate her tree.. Uncle Mark and Aunt Vicky have a 
christmas open house with an awesome train and town decoration!

 Almost as tall as Cousin Mason...and he is 1..
 1st Cousin Photo.....and last Cousin least we got one good one!!


 Family Photo!!

 Grandpa & Blake
 Auntie Stephanie!

 Happy Little Man!
 4 Generations
 3 new little ones this year!
Thanksgiving was so much fun..It was the first thanksgiving for many little ones in our family, and we can't wait for many more with everyone! Blake was such a good little boy since we dragged him around to a few different houses that day so that we could visit with all of our family!

3 Months Old!

Blake is getting SOOOOO BIG! He is now 25" and 14lbs 9oz. Growing like a little weed and is going to be taller then his mom in no time! He has been a very active boy this month, he sits up in his saucer and will play for a long time..He also loves playing on his floor mat, grabbing and hitting all his toys!

 Hello Everyone!!

 He loves watching Mickey Mouse on Disney Junior with 
Daddy in the morning before mommy gets home from work!

 Go Cougs...Blake loves watching sports on TV..Today he was watching the Cougs play with his dad!